Sudoku Solver

By Andrew Valdez


A recursive backtracking algorithm to solve a given starting sudoku board. Invalid input and unsolvable boards are flagged as such, highlighting the grid cells of issue.

How to use

Run which will launch the following GUI: figure 1 Enter a starting sudoku board. figure 2 Clicking on the Clear button will clear all user input. figure 3 Clicking on Solve will result in the following possibilities:

  1. If the input is not valid, any invalid inputs will be indicated in red. figure 4
  2. If the input is not solvable, the user will be made aware with a message. figure 5
  3. If the input is valid and solvable, the solution will be determined and output. figure 6 Clicking the Clear button will clear the input and allow a new starting sudoku board to be entered.

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